Shipping & payment conditions


Countries Shipping costs Delivery time
Seeds only (letter) up to 9 port. 2,00 € 3-4 working days
DHL-parcel up to 2000g (unsecured)
for max. 3 small plants
4,80 € 3-4 working days
DHL-parcel up to 2000g (unsecured) 5,50 € 3-4 working days
DHL-parcel up to 2000g (secured) 6,30 € 3-4 working days
DHL-parcel up to 5000g (secured) 7,80 € 3-4 working days
Hermes-parcel (secured) 5,50 € 3-4 working days
Hermes-parcel S (secured) 6,00 € 3-4 working days
EU Seeds only (Letter, international, unsecured) up to 9 port. 3,00 €  
Parcel international (up to 2000g, unsecured) 12,00 €  
Parcel international (up to 2000g, 50 € secured) 15,00 €  
Parcel international (up to 5000g, secured) 18,00 €  
worldwide on request    
The specified maximum delivery time refers to the period from receipt of payment to dispatch of the plants. I have no influence on the delivery time of the parcel by the shipping service provider, so this is not included in the delivery time!

Payment conditions:
Delivery against payment in advance (EU-Standard-Bank-Transfer / PayPal)
for regular customers in Germany (from the 4th order) also on account.